Webinar: Contentious Corona: Political Opposition and Dissent, 25/8, Södertörn University, Stockholm

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Webinar Tuesday 25 August, 12.00–13.30 (CET)

The Centre for the Study of Political Organisation (CPO), Södertörn University (Sweden), presents a discussion about the consequences of various policy responses to covid-19 pandemic for politics and political organizing in Germany, Russia and Sweden. 

  • Swen Hutter (Professor in Political Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin, and Vice Director of the Center for Civil Society Research, Berlin Social Science Center, Germany)
  • Andrei Semenov (Associate Professor in Political Science, Perm University, Russia)
  • Nicholas Aylott (Associate Professor in Political Science, Södertörn University, Sweden)
Chaired by:
  • Adrienne Sörbom (Professor of Sociology, Södertörn University, Sweden) and Zhanna Kravchenko (Associate Professor in Sociology, Södertörn University, Sweden)
The CPO invites the speakers and the audience to engage with the following questions:
  • What scope is there to voice opposition and dissent, when individual freedoms are restricted, mass gatherings are banned, elections are postponed or held while no effective campaigning is possible?
  • Who challenges government policies when opportunities to mobilize support are limited and the risk of repression is high?
  • Do conditions for opposition and dissent during the pandemic vary across different political regimes, and how does the inherent nature of those regimes manifest itself during the pandemic?

Registration: All are welcome. Please leave your contact information in the registration form.

The link to the webinar will be sent to you on August 24, 2020.

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Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Δευτέρα, 24 Αυγούστου 2020 15:05