Emotions evoked by entrepreneurship as a career choice (EMO-ENTRE)
Short Description
EMO-ENTRE is an interdisciplinary research endeavor, which spans across Management and Social and Organizational Psychology. It aims to provide an understanding of how emotional inform entrepreneurship processes (cognitions, behaviors) as a career choice among Greek career starters.
Funding Institution
Hellenic General Secretariat for Research and Technology, ARISTEIA (EXCELLENCE) call
11/2012 – 9/2015
UoC Investigator
Κων/νος Καφέτσιος (ΕΣΥ)
Research Team
Prof. Vassilis Moustakis [TUof Crete (PI)], Dr. Leonidas Zampetakis (TUofCrete), Mr. Manolis Lerakis (MSc, PhD cand. TUofCrete)