Global Perspectives on Learning and Development with Digital Video-Editing Media: A Qualitative Inquiry in Everyday Lives of Marginalized Young People (DIGIT-M-ED)
The focus of the investigation was on the digital capturing, editing and circulating of audio-visual data employed by young people. The various research teams investigated media practices such as tubing, filmmaking and gaming. Each team explored how young people, in their respective countries, employ these technologies as means for self- expression and communication with others. A specific focus concerned youth experiencing difficult situations such as: economic crisis in urban Greece, marginality in São Paulo outskirts, and disability in Moscow. Another focus concerned emerging youth protest cultures in India and Brazil. In all these practices digital technologies played a significant role in facilitating youth expression and communication. The project’s main achievement has been the elaboration of an interdisciplinary, cross- level methodology for cross-analyzing a) psychological processes, b) the design of media interfaces and c) the on- and off-line collaboration among users while taking under consideration the broader social, cultural and historical contexts of media use.
Μανόλης Δαφερμάκης (Δαφέρμος)