Support and Development of Hellenic Partners for Participation in European Research Infrastructures in the Framework of ESFRI/2006 (CESSDA EPAE)
The project involves six academic departments from the Universities of Crete, Thrace, Aegean, Peloponnese, Panteion and EKPA as well as one public research centre (EKKE), which are collaborating in order to set-up a new research infrastructure that will consist of a Greek Central Node and subsequent local nodes whose role is to provide data of social sciences, while the Central Node will in turn feed in CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives). The data provided by the local nodes to the Greek Central Node will be either quantitative surveys, aggregate quantitative data or tabular data, qualitative data, or even secondary data and indicators. More specifically the project “CESSDA EPAE–support and development of greek partners for participation to the Consortia of European RIs within ESFRI /2006 “ is funded through the OP “Competitiveness & Entrepreneurship”. Coordinator: The project will be implemented through 4 subprojects.
G. Tsiolis (Associate Professor, Dep. of Sociology), N. Serntedakis (Assistant Professor, Dep. of Sociology), Chr. Maipa (PhD Candidate, Dep. of Sociology), K. Anagnostaki (PhD Candidate, Dep. of History and Archeology), M. Koufidi (Student, Dep. of Sociology), A. Soulioti (Student, Dep. of Sociology).