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EEA GRANT | Gender Equality Promoted and Gender Based Violence Combatted, Deadline: 12/4

07 Ιανουαρίου 2021 | Κατηγορία Προκηρύξεις - Ανακοινώσεις. Διαβάστηκε 596 φορές.

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Deadline for applications: April12, 2021 (23:59, EET)
Bodossaki Foundation, in consortium with SolidarityNow, acting as the Fund Operator (FO) for the EEA Grants Programme “Active Citizens Fund”in Greece (ACF), announces the present open call for Non-Governmental Organizations(NGOs) project proposals which addresses the expected outcome “Gender equality promoted and Gender-BasedViolence combatted”.
The projects that will be selected under this call for proposals will aim at promoting, protecting and respecting gender equality, as well as, combatting gender-based violence. Civil Society Organizations and actors are encouraged to undertake initiatives that will contribute to informing, raising awareness and advocating on gender equality issues,including, but not limited to,combating gender stereotypes and sexism, promoting gender mainstreaming, advancing balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making, encouraging equal economic independence for women and men, enhancing work-life balance, closing the gender pay gap and ending gender discrimination -as well as, enhancing the prevention of and strengthening the combat against gender-based violence, all whilst supporting its victims and empowering them to successfully advocate for and exercise their rights.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible applicants are NGOs (CSOs) that are established in Greece and fall within the following definition: “A non-profit voluntary organization established as a legal entity, having a non-commercial purpose, independent of local, regional and central government, public entities, political parties and commercial organizations. Religious institutions and political parties are not considered NGOs”.
Eligible partners
Projects may be implemented in partnership with project partners.
The following entities are eligible to be project partners:
•Any public or private entity, commercial or non-commercial, as well as non-governmentalorganizations established as a legal person either inthe donor states (donor projectpartnership), beneficiary states or a country outside the European Economic Area that has a common border with Greece
•Any international organization or body or agency thereof
•Informal, ad hoc and self-help organizations (including grassroots organizations) that are not registered legal entities in the beneficiary state (informal groups). Such organizations must however meet the requirements that they are not for personal profit, act for publicgood, are voluntary andnon-discriminatory in nature, independent of local, regional andnational government and other public authorities, and are independent of political parties,religious institutions and commercial organizations. These informal groups shall be represented byone single person, who signs the project partnership agreement on behalf of the group. An informal group cannot be a direct recipient of the project grant.
Each University department, even if it does not constitute a separate legal entity, is considered an independent partner for its participation in a project proposal.
For more information, click here.